
How to use @otjs packages in your project.

β€œLife is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” ― Confucius


All installation script in this document are using pnpm as package manager. Kindly check the compatible commands and options, in case you are using any other package manager and/or runtime.

πŸš€ Quickstart

More often than not all you need is to synchronise your coding workspaces. For that, @otjs comes with two out of the box packages, namely - @otjs/firebase-ace and @otjs/firebase-monaco for Ace and Monaco editor respectively.

pnpm add @otjs/firebase-ace


pnpm add @otjs/firebase-monaco

πŸ”‘ Usage

Given these packages come batteries included, they only require few configuration, and all set to synchronise.

  • For @otjs/firebase-ace:
import { FireAceEditor } from "@otjs/firebase-ace";

const fireAce = new FireAceEditor({
  databaseRef:            // Database Reference in Firebase Realtime DB
  editor:                 // Ace Editor instance
  announcementDuration:   // Duration to hide Cursor tooltip (optional)
  userId:                 // Unique Identifier for current user
  userColor:              // Unique Color Code for current user
  userName:               // Human readable Name or Short Name (optional)
  • For @otjs/firebase-monaco:
import { FireMonacoEditor } from "@otjs/firebase-monaco";

const fireMonaco = new FireMonacoEditor({
  databaseRef:            // Database Reference in Firebase Realtime DB
  editor:                 // Monaco Editor instance
  announcementDuration:   // Duration to hide Cursor tooltip (optional)
  userId:                 // Unique Identifier for current user
  userColor:              // Unique Color Code for current user
  userName:               // Human readable Name or Short Name (optional)

⭐ Examples

Packages and their working examples with descriptions
ExampleSandbox (WIP)PlaygroundDescription

Ace + Firebase


Complete working example with Ace Editor and Firebase Database using @otjs/firebase-ace.

Monaco + Firebase


Complete working example with Monaco Editor and Firebase Database using @otjs/firebase-monaco.

πŸ“¦ Packages

There are multiple packages published under @otjs namespace and each have a shared responsibility in building the whole system.


Editor Adapter for Ace Editor by Cloud9.



Plaintext Editor with in-built binding for Firebase and Ace Editor.



Plaintext Editor with in-built binding for Firebase and Monaco Editor.



Database Adapter for Firebase by Google Cloud.



Editor Adapter for Monaco Editor by Microsoft.



Text Operation feature sets for Transformations.



Client (Editor) implementation for Plaintext Synchronisation.



Database Synchronisation Toolkit.
